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About NCOE AmeriCorps Programs

Our programs are designed to meet the needs of California’s children, families, and communities facing the complex challenges associated with poverty. Central to our work are the 150 AmeriCorps members who serve with us each year, giving wholeheartedly of themselves with passion, energy, and skill. Over 2500 AmeriCorps members have served with us, many of whom continue their service through careers in teaching, social work, and volunteerism. 


We believe in the power of ordinary people who want to make a difference, whether as AmeriCorps members or as one of the many volunteers who support our efforts with their time and enthusiasm each year. 


NCOE provides opportunities for participants to discover passions, realize potential, and express power.  NCOE engages staff and AmeriCorps members in service opportunities to strengthen communities throughout California. The Volunteer Infrastructure Program builds volunteer capacity in under-served communities, and develops future leaders. The VIP program guides members to create sustainable volunteer opportunities for the communities in which they serve which can help to empower those previously disenfranchised within the community and help to create a better future for the community as a whole. 


VIP Fellows serve in Non-Profits, Schools, & Community Organizations, Government Agencies


VIP Mission Statement
We build volunteer programs within nonprofit and educational organizations that improve the lives of children and families.


VIP Program Goal
VIP’S ultimate purpose is to leave partner sites with a sustainable, effective volunteer program that allows them to better reach their mission and serve their community

About Us: About Us
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1998: CalSERVES began as a tutoring program in Santa Rosa schools – this program is now called Expanded Learning

2001: PROMISE program begins to recruit volunteers to help in schools
  2009: VIP pilot program begins to strengthen volunteer programs in service organizations


2019: Celebrated 10 years of AmeriCorps VIP impact

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VIP is managed on a statewide level by the Napa County Office of Education. NCOE has a rich history of running AmeriCorps programs since 1998, boasting a family of over 4,000 AmeriCorps Alumni who have served with our programs since our start. From direct service roles that work with youth to behind the scenes support offered by programs like VIP, NCOE initiatives place AmeriCorps members like you to address the complex needs of children and their communities across California. Along with our portfolio of other AmeriCorps programs, we at NCOE manage VIP program goals, provide program resources and trainings, and report on the impact of your efforts to our AmeriCorps funder, California Volunteers.

NCOE partners with community hubs, referred to as SUPERVISING ORGANIZATIONS (S0). SOs coordinate localized teams of VIP Fellows, report program impact to NCOE, and work with their community’s Partner Sites. Distributed throughout California, participating Supervising Organizations include:

  1. California Polytechnic State University- San Luis Obispo

  2. California State University Monterey Bay

  3. HandsOn Central California

  4. Napa County Office of Education

  5. OneOC

  6. Foothill Unity Center 

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About AmeriCorps

AmeriCorps is a network of national service programs, made up of three primary programs (NCCC, VISTA, State & National) that each take a different approach to improving lives and fostering civic engagement. Members commit their time to address critical community needs like increasing academic achievement, mentoring youth, fighting poverty, sustaining national parks, preparing for disasters, and more.


AmeriCorps History

1961   President Kennedy established the Peace Corps

 1964   As part of the "War on Poverty," President Lyndon B. Johnson creates VISTA - Volunteers in Service to America

 1994   Under President Clinton, AmeriCorps established – 25 years ago! The first class of AmeriCorps members (20,000 strong) begins serving in more than 1,000 communities

 2016   AmeriCorps enrolls its 1 millionth member at a swearing in done by an astronaut on the international space station!

 2019  AmeriCorps celebrates its 25th year!

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